Operating any kind of equipment on or near water can lead to an unexpected and dangerous situation. Have you ever given thought to what you would do if your machine slips sideways into the water and rolls over? You find yourself upside down with water filling the cab. Where is your door? Which way is up? How long can you hold your breath?
Our underwater egress training course is specially designed to help you keep your calm and get out alive. The underwater egress dunker is a simulated single or multi person equipment enclosed cab. When placed in the water, we can simulate an equipment roll over. Our course is designed to promote success, starting with a simple roll over to build participants confidence and progressing increasing in difficulty to no-visibility and blocked exits to ensure participants are prepared for real world situations. We are able to conduct multiple scenarios while still maintaining a realistic, safe and controlled

Our Under water egress course is designed for operators who work near water and operators who work on floating equipment on the water. we provide comprehensive classroom instruction and "hands-on" practical experience. Our curriculum teaches how to cope with the physical and psychological stress experienced in an underwater egress
Classroom Presentation - Morning Session (3.0 hrs):
Accident cause factors and prevention
Scenarios/case studies, and outcomes
Preparation, procedures and techniques
Disorientation and egress underwater
Cold water shock and hypothermia
After egress safety procedures
Pool Exercises – Afternoon Session (2.5 hrs):
Life preserver demonstration: each participant dons a zero-buoyancy life preserver and inflates it in the pool. Survival techniques are practiced such as how to assist an injured person in the water, how to travel through the water in a group and ways to minimize the effects of hypothermia.
Life raft drill: participants practice getting out of the water onto a floating vessel dressed in their full gear and life preserver.
Underwater Escape Trainer (Dunker). The students are put through a series of underwater escape scenarios to give them confidence and the skill to deal with a real underwater escape situation. They will practice different scenarios starting with normal egress doors off, normal egress doors on, one exit blocked, and no-visibility egress.

When every second counts...EBS is a compressed air emergency breathing device to provide extra time underwater in an emergency. Just by inserting the mouth piece in to your mouth and inhaling (SpareAir system) you can have 30 seconds to 5 minutes of life-saving air. The availability of compressed air nearly triples the amount of time participants can remain submerged.